Organized by EHS Management Division, Central Office of Administration. 由中研院總務處環安科主辦 所有新進人員務必參加,不得無故缺席。未依規定參加教育訓練並經相關主管機關稽查者,將依相關法規處理。
The orientation event is divided into three parts: 迎新活動分為三個部分: 1) Introduction of 3 Research Group in IoP and Safety Training 物理所簡介和安全培訓 2) Lab Tours 實驗室參觀 3) Dinner and Discussions 晚餐和討論
The End-of-Term presentation event is divided into two parts: 1) Poster Exhibition:August 26~30 2) End-of-Term Presentation:August 28