30 August 2024 to 1 September 2024
The Aspire Resort, Taoyuan
Asia/Taipei timezone

Dynamics of densifying cell monolayers: turbulence enhanced by cancer cell aggregation, void closure, and two-stage percolating transitions

1 Sept 2024, 10:50


Prof. Lin I (NCU)


"Dynamics of densifying cell monolayers: turbulence enhanced by cancer cell aggregation, void closure, and two-stage percolating transitions

Yi-Teng Hsiao, Hsiang-Ying Chen, Jun-Yu Liu, Yuan-Xuan Zhang, and Lin I
Department of Physics, National Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan 32001

The cell system is an extended active system exhibiting heterogeneous structure and motion over a wide range of scales, which are important in many biological processes such as embryogenesis, tumorigenesis, and cancer metastasis. Dynamically, the interplay of mutual coupling and self-propelling leads to cooperative motions in the forms of chain-type collective migration, multiscale swirls, and turbulence, etc., which provide feedbacks to alter the subsequent structure and motion. In this talk, I will briefly review our past experimental studies on the spatiotemporal evolutions of structure and motion in densifying cell monolayers through cell proliferation. Examples include the enhanced cancer cell turbulence and endothelial motions through cancer cell aggregation in densifying confluent cancer/endothelia mixtures [1] , the spontaneous formation and closure of multiscale voids without purse-string contraction in densifying monolayers of anisotropic and isotropic cell [2] , and the two-stage structural and slowing down percolation transitions in the densifying cancer cell monolayers [3].

[1] Hsiang-Ying Chen, Yi-Teng Hsiao, Shu-Chen Liu, Tien Hsu, Wei-Yen Woon, and Lin I, , Phys. Rev. Letts, 121, 018101 (2018).
[2] Yun-Xuan Zhang, Chun-Yu Liu, Hsiang Ying Chen, and Lin I,, European Physical Journal E, 45, 89 (2022)
[3] Chun-Yu Liu, Yun-Xuan Zhang, and Lin I, Phys. Rev. Letts. 129, 148102 (2022).

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