August 30, 2024 to September 1, 2024
The Aspire Resort, Taoyuan
Asia/Taipei timezone

Invited Speakers

Lindsay Case (Dept. of Biology, Massachuesetts Institute of Technology, USA)

Hsuan-yi Chen (Dept. of Physics, National Central University, Taiwan)

Sheng-hong Chen (Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica)

Bianxiao Cui (Department of Chemistry, Stanford University, USA)

Lin I (Department of Physics, National Central University, Taiwan)

Jae-Hyung Jeon (Department of Physics, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea)

Cheng-fu Kao (Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology Institute, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)

Chia-Lung Hsieh (Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)

Kazuhiro Maeshima (National Institute of Genetics, Japan)

Jun Nakanishi (National Institute of Materials Science, Japan)

Tatsuo Shibata (RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research, Japan)

Anderson Shum (Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, China)

Arpita Upadhyaya (Dept. of Physics, U. of Maryland, USA)

Yu-Chiun Wang (RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research, Japan)

Fu-Lai Wen (Department of Physics, National Central University, Taiwan)

Wenting Zhao (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

Tetsuya Hiraiwa (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)