Session II
- Grace Pen-hsiu Chao
Cell membranes serve as a central platform to host a variety of proteins essential for cellular activities such as cell signaling, morphogenesis, and membrane trafficking. At the same time, the membranes also undergo drastic morphological changes in a number of essential processes, such as endocytosis, intracellular trafficking, and cytokinesis, etc. An intriguing yet challenging question to...
We have worked on the influence of matrix stiffness on cellular physiology in epithelial cells and fibroblasts as well, which plays a very important role in pathophysiology of organ and tissue fibrosis. The current research theme of my research has been to unveil the mechanobiological mechanism of converting wound repair into regeneration. We have discovered that breaking symmetry of cell...
Detecting megadalton matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) ions with linear ion trap mass spectrometer (LIT-MS) is a technical challenge. In this talk, we employ MALDI LIT- MS to successfully analyze megadalton protein, polymer, and proteasome ions. A homebuilt linear ion trap mass spectrometer (LIT-MS) equipped with a charge sensing particle detector (CSPD) is used for high mass...
Large-scale cell death is widely observed during embryonic development and various human pathological conditions. However, a systems-level understanding for how large-scale cell death emerges had been lacking. Harnessing time-lapse imaging, chemical/genetic perturbations and mathematical modeling, we show how metabolic stress quantitatively modulate cellular state for the emergence of redox...