BELLE -------------------- Minzu, Paoti (15 min)
Nuclear ----------------- Wen Chen Chang (15 min)
Daya Bay and
JUNO status & results -- Bei Zhen Hu (20 min)
Heavy Ion ---------------- Yi Yang, Chia Ming Kuo (15 min)
Taiwan HEP Instrument Consortium: its Mission and Status
Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation
Low Thresold Germanium Detectors fro neutrino nucleus coherent scattering
Light Dark Matter Searches with the CDEX experiment at the Jinping Underground Laboratory
Next Generation Double Beta Decay Experiments and their Sensitivity projections
Higgs coupling measurements in the H→WW∗ channel in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
The asearch of the Dalitz Higgs with full Run-2 data in CMS
The measurement of various efficiencies with Z--> mumu gamma
The angular distribution and flux variation of cosmic muons measured by the Hexadecagon
Search for CP violation in Top pair production and decay at CMS
ATLAS experiment Status and prospects