HEP experiment status
Purpose of the meeting
Presentations by non-LHC experiments
Minzu Wang
(國立臺灣大學物理系), Prof.
Paoti Chang
20/01/2021, 13:55
BELLE -------------------- Minzu, Paoti (15 min)
Wen-Chen Chang
(Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica)
20/01/2021, 14:20
Nuclear ----------------- Wen Chen Chang (15 min)
Bei-Zhen Hu
20/01/2021, 14:50
Daya Bay and
JUNO status & results -- Bei Zhen Hu (20 min)
Chia Ming Kuo
(國立中央大學物理系), Prof.
Yi Yang
20/01/2021, 15:20
Heavy Ion ---------------- Yi Yang, Chia Ming Kuo (15 min)