Aug 21 – 23, 2024
Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica
Asia/Taipei timezone


Accommodation Arrangement

  • For Invited Speakers:  
    We will provide accommodation at either our Guest House on campus or nearby hotels.
  • For Other Participants:  
    Please arrange your own accommodation. Below, you will find information to assist you in locating suitable options.

Guest House at Academia Sinica

  • For detailed information about the Guest House, please visit this link:
  • An English version is available by clicking the icon at the top right corner of the page.

Nearby Hotels

  • We recommend two hotels located within a 20-minute walk or bus ride from the workshop venue. Situated in the Nangang District of Taipei, these hotels offer convenient access to local attractions and dining options. Additionally, they provide easy access to public transportation, including the Metro, airport express, and high-speed railway.
  • The room rates mentioned below include wireless internet, breakfast, service charge, and tax (per room, per night). We highly recommend making reservations and bookings in advance.

Green World NangGang (洛碁大飯店南港館)

It is about 5 minutes away from the Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) Nangang Station/Nangang Rail Station/Nangang MRT station. 

(i) Please book directly on the above website to have the 14-day special room rate of NT$ 2,500 on weekdays and NT$ 2,900 for nights preceding weekends.

(ii) If the rate in (i) is not available, please download and submit the provided reservation form directly to the above email address to secure your hotel room at the special event rate of NT$ 2,700 on weekdays and NT$ 3,100 for nights preceding weekends.


The Place Taipei (南港老爺行旅)

It is nearby the MRT Nangang Software Park Station and CTBC Finance Park, just 5 minutes from THSR Nangang Station.