Topological defects such as domain walls, dislocations, disclinations, and vortices play crucial roles in low energy physics in order states in condensed matters. In this talk, I will discuss three topics related to defects in superconductors and chiral magnets; (1) driving forces on vortex in type II superconductors [1,2], (2) intrinsic hysteresis due to chiral solitons in classical monoaxial...
Recently, emergent spin-orbit couplings (SOCs) arising from antiferromagnetic orderings have been attracted much attention, as an alternative source of spin-orbit physics other than the relativistic SOC. The realization of such emergent SOCs and corresponding (anit-)symmetric spin splitting in (non-)collinear magnetic orderings have been discussed extensively [1-4] ([5,6]). In this...
Chirality is a common feature in nature, observed from elementary particles to macroscopic crystals, where mirror-reflection symmetry is broken. This absence leads to polarization/spin-dependent behaviors in particles like electrons, photons, magnons, and phonons, illustrating how chirality impacts physical processes.
In this seminar, I will discuss recent progress in understanding the...
A role of chirality in materials is discussed, being inspired by recent studies on chirality-induced selectivity and polarization of spin angular momenta and angular momenta with chiral materials. We demonstrate that chiral materials exhibit a spin-polarized state when the charge current is injected into them [1-6]. Importantly, a robust protection of the spin polarization enables a nonlocal...