Summer School
The PG2020 summer school will take place on May 21 to May 28, 2020, at the Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica. The agenda would include five days of academic instructions in the format of lectures and demonstration and exercises together with one day of touristic sight-seeing and one day of academic visits to facilities related to the theme of the school.
The PG2020 Summer School Program is arranged by a Program Committee including: Henry T. Wong ( ), Academia Sinica, Taiwan ; Jing Liu ( ), U South Dakota, USA ; Christopher Haufe ( ), U North Carolina, USA.
The PG2020 Summer School academic program (expecting on May 21,22,23,25,26) will include :
1.Lecture Series
Each topics will have 4-5 hours duration to allow the lecturers to develop in depth their subjects and to have broad interactions with participants. The target level would be for particle physics graduate Ph.D students in the early stage of their studies.
The lecturers and their subjects are :
1.Reyco Henning , University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill , USA –
Neutrino Physics
2.Ryan Martin , Queen's University , Kingston , Canada –
Interactions of Radiations with Matter & Germanium Detector Principles
3.Julieta Gruszko , University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill , USA –
Applications of Germanium Detectors in Particle, Nuclear and Astrophysics
4.Jason Detwiler , University of Washington , Seattle , USA –
Basic Probability, Statistics and Analysis Techniques for Experimental Particle Physicists
2.Colloquium-Style Lectures
Lectures at 50+10 min, featuring research topics of current interests, given by domestic research scientists. Colloquium speakers and their topics are:
1.Shih-Chang Lee , Academia Sinica –
Big Data – Science and Tools
2.Yuan-Hann Chang , Academia Sinica –
Silicon Detectors in High-Energy Physics
3.Kin-Wang Ng , Academia Sinica –
Cosmology for Particle Physicists
4.Sadakazu Haino , Academia Sinica –
Direct Measurements of Cosmic-Rays
5.Satoki Matsushita , Academia Sinica –
Black Hole Astrophysics and the Event Horizon Observation
6.Yuki Inoue , National Central University –
Gravitational Wave Observatory and Astronomy
7.Yue-Lin Tsai , Academia Sinica –
Dark Matter Problem and Candidate Solutions
3.Tutorial Sessions on Python Programming Tools
program under construction
4.Tours and Excursions
The academic program will be complemented with:
- Visit to the Academia Sinica GRID Computing Center
- Visit to the Museum of the Institute of History and Philology
- Day Excursion of Touristic Themes (expecting on Sunday May 24) – Program under Construction
- Day Excursion of Scientific Themes related to PIRE-GEMADARC Programs (expecting on Wednesday May 27, to the National Synchrotron Research Center and a Semiconductor Fabrication Plant).