Nov 23 – 24, 2023
Evergreen Palace Hotel (Chiayi)
Asia/Taipei timezone

Large volume microwave cavity design for the TASEH experiment

Nov 24, 2023, 3:10 PM
Meeting room A on the 2nd floor (Evergreen Palace Hotel (Chiayi))

Meeting room A on the 2nd floor

Evergreen Palace Hotel (Chiayi)


Ping-I Wu


The TASEH experiment is building a haloscope with a resonant cavity to search for axions. The sensitivity to the axion-photon coupling 𝑔_{𝑎𝛾𝛾} can be enhanced with better cavity performance. We are exploring a new design of tunable microwave cavity in conic-shell shape, which has 7.2 times the volume of our previous cavity, and the sensitivity is expected to increase 2.8 times. The new cavity is able to excite TM010 mode clearly in the resonant frequency range from 4.66 GHz to 4.89 GHz. We’ve built a prototype conic-shell cavity made of aluminum, and the measurement shows the capability of the tuning mechanism.

Presentation materials