CHiP Annual Meeting on 2023

Meeting room A on the 2nd floor (Evergreen Palace Hotel (Chiayi))

Meeting room A on the 2nd floor

Evergreen Palace Hotel (Chiayi)

Chia Ming Kuo (National Central University, Taiwan)

Discussion on interdisciplinary research between high-field physics and particle physics

  • Thursday, November 23
  • Friday, November 24
    • 5
    • 6
      CHiP report
    • High Field Physics
    • 12:00 PM
    • Theoretical Physics
    • Dark Matter (TASEH)
      • 16
        Current status and upcoming plans of the TASEH experiment

        QCD Axion is a hypothesized particle for solving CP symmetry preserving problem in the strong interaction, and is also considered as a promising candidate for dark matter halo. TASEH (Taiwan Axion Search Experiment with Haloscope) searches dark matter axions based on a haloscope setup, consisting of a frequency-tunable microwave cavity detector in a strong magnetic field and a signal receiver. The TASEH experiment targets axion searches in the mass range of 10–25 μeV, roughly corresponding to the frequency band of 2.5–6 GHz. In this presentation, we will describe our first physics search around 19.6 μeV, and also illustrate our latest efforts and the upcoming plans to reach the QCD axion-photon coupling limit in the aimed mass ranges.

        Speaker: Yung-Fu Chen
      • 17
        Implementing Josephson parametric amplifier in the TASEH axion detection chain

        Axion, a dark matter candidate, can convert to a photon under a strong magnetic field. For the mass range of 10–25 μeV the TASEH experiment aims to search, the axion-converted photons can be detected by a set of RF amplifiers and signal analyzers. The electronic noise is against the signal readout efficiency. Josephson parametric amplifier (JPA) has the potential to provide quantum-limited added noise in this frequency band to improve the detection sensitivity. In this presentation, we will describe our efforts in implementing JPA in axion detection chain, including the JPA device development, the supporting hardware construction, and the operation strategy.

        Speaker: Wei-Cheng Hung
      • 18
        Large volume microwave cavity design for the TASEH experiment

        The TASEH experiment is building a haloscope with a resonant cavity to search for axions. The sensitivity to the axion-photon coupling 𝑔_{𝑎𝛾𝛾} can be enhanced with better cavity performance. We are exploring a new design of tunable microwave cavity in conic-shell shape, which has 7.2 times the volume of our previous cavity, and the sensitivity is expected to increase 2.8 times. The new cavity is able to excite TM010 mode clearly in the resonant frequency range from 4.66 GHz to 4.89 GHz. We’ve built a prototype conic-shell cavity made of aluminum, and the measurement shows the capability of the tuning mechanism.

        Speaker: Ping-I Wu
    • 3:30 PM
      Coffee break
    • Muography
    • Gravitational Wave Experiment
    • CEPC
      • 22
        Luminosity calorimeter at CEPC
        Speaker: Suen Hou
    • Banquet
    • Poster session