- The scientific program of the TOTS 2024 Workshop will include Invited Oral Presentations and a Poster Exhibition Session.
Invited Oral Presentations:
- Each presentation is allocated a total of 40 minutes, which includes 30 minutes for the talk and 10 minutes for Q&A.
- Speakers should verify that their PCs are compatible with the provided projector before their session begins. A standard HDMI cord and a laser pointer will be available for use.
Poster Exhibition Session:
- The poster session is designed to visually highlight selected works and promote active discussions among participants. It will be held alongside the Welcome Reception, providing an engaging scientific atmosphere complemented by light refreshments.
- Each presenter will be provided with a panel suitable for displaying an A0 size poster in portrait orientation. Panels will be set up before the workshop begins.
- Presenters are encouraged to mount their posters as soon as they register, but no later than the lunch break on the first day.
- During the poster session, we encourage presenters to stand by their posters and interact with other participants to increase discussion opportunities.
- Posters should remain on display until the dinner time of the second day, allowing for additional exhibition and discussion opportunities during coffee and lunch breaks.