May 21, 2020 to June 1, 2020
Asia/Taipei timezone
[ Suspended due to COVID-19 Outbreak ]

Summer School

The accommodation for the PG2020 Summer May between May 20 to May 28, 2020 will be at the Guest rooms, Center for Academic Activities, Academia Sinica, which is labeled number 20 in the AS campus map. The room options and charges are:

  • Single-Person Exclusive Occupancy: NT$1100/Night

  • One-Person Occupancy in Shared Double Room: NT$700/Night


Hotels with discounts in the vicinity (15 min public transport) of Academia Sinica campus include:

     1. Hotel Green World (Nangang) : Double Room from NT$2600/night

     2. Hotel Forward (Nangang) : Double Room from NT$2600/night

     3. Hotel The Place (Nangang): Double Room from NT$3200/night

     4. Hotel Courtyard Marriot: Single(Double) Room from NT$5100(6200)/night



  1. Selection of hotel and room type and duration and room-sharing partners among the given options can be made during registration. The local organizers will attend the reservations. Preference beyond the listed hotels and duration should be arranged by the participants.

  2. Registration fee does NOT cover accommodation. Participants are requested to settle the charges with the hotels directly duration their duration of stay.

  3. Participants are expected to arrange their transport to and from Academia Sinica campus for those staying at hotels external to the campus

Collaboration Meeting Accommodation