May 21, 2020 to June 1, 2020
Asia/Taipei timezone
[ Suspended due to COVID-19 Outbreak ]

Collaboration Meeting

The accommodation for PG2020 Collaboration Meeting will be for FOUR evenings, May 28 till June 1, at Hotel Royal, National Center of Tradition Arts, Yilan, Taiwan, labeled on the NCTA campus map. The room options and charges are:

  • Single-Person Occupancy: NT$3960/Night

  • One-Person in Shared Double Room: NT$2750/Night

  • One-Person in Shared Four-Person Room: NT$1100/Night

The event will end at the Academia Sinica at 6:00 pm on June 1.

There will be joint academic visit with the Summer School on May 27 starting 8:00AM.

Accommodation will also be reserved at the Guest rooms, Center for Academic Activities, Academia Sinica for that evenings of May 26,27 and June 1. The room options and charges are:

  • Single-Person Exclusive Occupancy: NT$1100/Night

  • One-Person Occupancy in Shared Double Room: NT$700/Night


  1. Participants are advised to stay in this NCTA on-campus hotel. Selection of hotel and room type and duration and room-sharing partners among the given options can be made during registration. The local organizers will attend the reservations.

  2. Participants who prefer to stay external to NCTA campus would have to arrange the accommodation and transport themselves.

  3. Registration fee does NOT cover accommodation. Participants are requested to settle the charges with the hotels directly duration their duration of stay.

Summer School Accommodation