Nov 23 – 24, 2023
Evergreen Palace Hotel (Chiayi)
Asia/Taipei timezone

Implementing Josephson parametric amplifier in the TASEH axion detection chain

Nov 24, 2023, 2:50 PM
Meeting room A on the 2nd floor (Evergreen Palace Hotel (Chiayi))

Meeting room A on the 2nd floor

Evergreen Palace Hotel (Chiayi)


Wei-Cheng Hung


Axion, a dark matter candidate, can convert to a photon under a strong magnetic field. For the mass range of 10–25 μeV the TASEH experiment aims to search, the axion-converted photons can be detected by a set of RF amplifiers and signal analyzers. The electronic noise is against the signal readout efficiency. Josephson parametric amplifier (JPA) has the potential to provide quantum-limited added noise in this frequency band to improve the detection sensitivity. In this presentation, we will describe our efforts in implementing JPA in axion detection chain, including the JPA device development, the supporting hardware construction, and the operation strategy.

Presentation materials