【Elective 選修】
Event Form:https://forms.gle/JMXFR3vBmLrFo6Pi9
Attendance List
Each discussion session will be led by various lab supervisors, who will briefly introduce current research and engage in sharing and discussions with students. Along with research-related content, supervisors will also share their life experiences.
- Time:12:30-14:00
- Venue:1F, P101 Meeting Room
- 12:00-12:30 is lunchtime. Students are kindly requested to finish lunch meals before participating in the discussion session.
- 時間:12:30-14:00
- 地點:一樓, P101會議室
- 12:00-12:30 為午餐時間,暑期研習生午餐自理,請自行用餐完畢後再參加討論會。
Website of Speaker/Lab 討論會講者資料
黃英碩 Ing-Shouh Hwang
柯忠廷 Chung-Ting Ke
王子敬 Henry Tsz-King Wong
莊天明 Tien-Ming Chuang
溫昱傑 Yu-Chieh Wen
歐敏男 Min-Nan Ou
林耿慧 Keng-Hui Lin