Apr 16 – 20, 2024
National Museum of Natural Science
Asia/Taipei timezone

Mechanical loss measurement system and a new fabrication line for mirror coating toward LIGO Voyager

Not scheduled
National Museum of Natural Science

National Museum of Natural Science

No.1, Guanqian Rd., North Dist., Taichung City 404023, Taiwan


Daiki Tanabe (Academia Sinica)


We are developing a facility named Academia Sinica Gravitational Physics Research Facility (ASGRAF) since 2023. One of its main studies is characterization of mirror coatings for LIGO Voyager. We plan to measure mechanical loss, optical loss, and thermal noise of unexplored materials of coating. Our focus is at large coatings in low temperature. We constructed a new gas line in Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute for making SiON coatings with low pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) method, considering its expected high uniformity and low mechanical loss in low temperature. We are also developing a cryogenic gentle nodal suspension (GNS) system for measurement of the new coatings in Academia Sinica. We will report the first test of the fabrication with new gas line and a room temperature demonstration of GNS.

Primary author

Daiki Tanabe (Academia Sinica)


Mr Dong-Yu Chen (National Tsing-Hua University) Yuki Inoue (National Central University) Feng-Kai Lin (Academia Sinica) 千妤 林 Mr Chun-Huan Wang (National Tsing-Hua University) Mr Zi-Yu Wang (National Tsing-Hua University) Henry Wong (Academia Sinica)

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