16–20 Apr 2024
National Museum of Natural Science
Asia/Taipei timezone

GW-observations of the central engine of core-collapse supernovae in the Local Universe

Not scheduled
National Museum of Natural Science

National Museum of Natural Science

No.1, Guanqian Rd., North Dist., Taichung City 404023, Taiwan


Maurice van putten (Sejong University)


GW observations can probe the central engine of core-collapse supernovae by distinct emission from neutron stars (NS) and black holes (BH). While high-frequency GWs are expected from a NS, relatively low-frequency GWs are expected from a BH-torus system. Scaling of the emission during spin-down of the Kerr BH of mass $M\simeq 2.5M_\odot c^2$ powering GW170817B/GRB170817A predicts an energy output $E_{GW}\sim 3.5\%M_\odot c^2 (M/2.5M_\odot)$ in a descending chirp 0.92 s following GW170817 over the frequency range $f_{GW}=(700−200)(2.5M_\odot/M)$Hz. Accordingly for SN Ib/c events during O4, we expect a horizon distance of $(70 − 190)$ Mpc for the mass-range $M = (3 − 5) M_\odot$ with a probability of detection on par with DNS mergers.

Primary author

Maurice van putten (Sejong University)


Dr Maryam A Abchouyeh (Sejong University)

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