2024 TQCD 2nd meeting

Lecture theatre 2 (第二演講廳) (Beimen campus of NYCU (陽明交通大學 北門校區))

Lecture theatre 2 (第二演講廳)

Beimen campus of NYCU (陽明交通大學 北門校區)

Address: (100) No. 118, Section 1, Zhongxiao West Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City Transportation: MRT Beimen Station (Exit 2); MRT Taipei Main Station (Z10 Exit of the Underground Mall in front of the station 地址: (100)臺北市中正區忠孝西路一段118號 交通方式:捷運北門站(2號出口);捷運臺北車站(站前地下街Z10出口)


    • 1
      Opening and welcome Lecture theatre 2 (第二演講廳)

      Lecture theatre 2 (第二演講廳)

      Beimen campus of NYCU (陽明交通大學 北門校區)

      Address: (100) No. 118, Section 1, Zhongxiao West Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City Transportation: MRT Beimen Station (Exit 2); MRT Taipei Main Station (Z10 Exit of the Underground Mall in front of the station 地址: (100)臺北市中正區忠孝西路一段118號 交通方式:捷運北門站(2號出口);捷運臺北車站(站前地下街Z10出口)
      Speaker: David Lin (NYCU)
    • 2
      Extending the Range and Precision of Lattice Flavourdynamics Lecture theatre 2 (第二演講廳)

      Lecture theatre 2 (第二演講廳)

      Beimen campus of NYCU (陽明交通大學 北門校區)

      Address: (100) No. 118, Section 1, Zhongxiao West Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City Transportation: MRT Beimen Station (Exit 2); MRT Taipei Main Station (Z10 Exit of the Underground Mall in front of the station 地址: (100)臺北市中正區忠孝西路一段118號 交通方式:捷運北門站(2號出口);捷運臺北車站(站前地下街Z10出口)
      Speaker: Prof. Christopher Sachrajda (University of Southampton)
    • 11:00 AM
      Coffee break Lecture theatre 2 (第二演講廳)

      Lecture theatre 2 (第二演講廳)

      Beimen campus of NYCU (陽明交通大學 北門校區)

      Address: (100) No. 118, Section 1, Zhongxiao West Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City Transportation: MRT Beimen Station (Exit 2); MRT Taipei Main Station (Z10 Exit of the Underground Mall in front of the station 地址: (100)臺北市中正區忠孝西路一段118號 交通方式:捷運北門站(2號出口);捷運臺北車站(站前地下街Z10出口)
    • 3
      Light-cone distribution amplitudes of pion and kaon from the HOPE method
      Speaker: David Lin (NYCU)
    • 12:00 PM
      Lunch Lecture theatre 2 (第二演講廳)

      Lecture theatre 2 (第二演講廳)

      Beimen campus of NYCU (陽明交通大學 北門校區)

      Address: (100) No. 118, Section 1, Zhongxiao West Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City Transportation: MRT Beimen Station (Exit 2); MRT Taipei Main Station (Z10 Exit of the Underground Mall in front of the station 地址: (100)臺北市中正區忠孝西路一段118號 交通方式:捷運北門站(2號出口);捷運臺北車站(站前地下街Z10出口)
    • 4
      Extracting the TMD soft function and CS kernel from the lattice Lecture theatre 2 (第二演講廳)

      Lecture theatre 2 (第二演講廳)

      Beimen campus of NYCU (陽明交通大學 北門校區)

      Address: (100) No. 118, Section 1, Zhongxiao West Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City Transportation: MRT Beimen Station (Exit 2); MRT Taipei Main Station (Z10 Exit of the Underground Mall in front of the station 地址: (100)臺北市中正區忠孝西路一段118號 交通方式:捷運北門站(2號出口);捷運臺北車站(站前地下街Z10出口)
      Speaker: Wayne Morris (NYCU)
    • 5
      Parton Distribution Functions from Tensor Network calculations Lecture theatre 2 (第二演講廳)

      Lecture theatre 2 (第二演講廳)

      Beimen campus of NYCU (陽明交通大學 北門校區)

      Address: (100) No. 118, Section 1, Zhongxiao West Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City Transportation: MRT Beimen Station (Exit 2); MRT Taipei Main Station (Z10 Exit of the Underground Mall in front of the station 地址: (100)臺北市中正區忠孝西路一段118號 交通方式:捷運北門站(2號出口);捷運臺北車站(站前地下街Z10出口)
      Speaker: Manuel Schneider (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU))

      Parton distribution functions (PDFs) describe universal properties of bound states and allow us to calculate scattering amplitudes in processes with large momentum transfer. Calculating PDFs involves the evaluation of matrix elements with a Wilson line in a light-cone direction. In contrast to Monte Carlo methods in Euclidean spacetime, these matrix elements can be directly calculated in Minkowski-space using the Hamiltonian formalism. The necessary spatial- and time-evolution can be efficiently applied using established tensor network methods. I give an introduction to tensor network states and present PDFs in the Schwinger model evaluated with matrix product states.

    • 6
      Cool dense QCD and in-homogeneous phases (a.k.a. chiral spirals) Lecture theatre 2 (第二演講廳)

      Lecture theatre 2 (第二演講廳)

      Beimen campus of NYCU (陽明交通大學 北門校區)

      Address: (100) No. 118, Section 1, Zhongxiao West Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City Transportation: MRT Beimen Station (Exit 2); MRT Taipei Main Station (Z10 Exit of the Underground Mall in front of the station 地址: (100)臺北市中正區忠孝西路一段118號 交通方式:捷運北門站(2號出口);捷運臺北車站(站前地下街Z10出口)

      We discuss dense cool QCD where a region with spatially inhomogeneous condensate might emerge. In that case, QCD phase diagram may exhibit a Lifshitz regime, which can appear either instead of, or in addition to Critical End Point. We study the Lifshitz regime using a combination of large-N expansion and numerical lattice simulations of an effective O(N) sigma model. We find evidence that quantum fluctuations disorder inhomogeneous condensate (”chiral spirals”) and give rise to unusual quantum spin-liquid phase. We also discuss how this novel phase can be detected experimentally.

      Speaker: Semeon Valgushev (NTHU)
    • 3:00 PM
      Coffee break Lecture theatre 2 (第二演講廳)

      Lecture theatre 2 (第二演講廳)

      Beimen campus of NYCU (陽明交通大學 北門校區)

      Address: (100) No. 118, Section 1, Zhongxiao West Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City Transportation: MRT Beimen Station (Exit 2); MRT Taipei Main Station (Z10 Exit of the Underground Mall in front of the station 地址: (100)臺北市中正區忠孝西路一段118號 交通方式:捷運北門站(2號出口);捷運臺北車站(站前地下街Z10出口)
    • 7
      Dispersive analysis of excited glueball states Lecture theatre 2 (第二演講廳)

      Lecture theatre 2 (第二演講廳)

      Beimen campus of NYCU (陽明交通大學 北門校區)

      Address: (100) No. 118, Section 1, Zhongxiao West Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City Transportation: MRT Beimen Station (Exit 2); MRT Taipei Main Station (Z10 Exit of the Underground Mall in front of the station 地址: (100)臺北市中正區忠孝西路一段118號 交通方式:捷運北門站(2號出口);捷運臺北車站(站前地下街Z10出口)
      Speaker: Hsiang-nan Li (Academia Sinica)
    • 8
      Pion and Kaon PDFs constrained by Drell-Yan and J/Psi Production Lecture theatre 2 (第二演講廳)

      Lecture theatre 2 (第二演講廳)

      Beimen campus of NYCU (陽明交通大學 北門校區)

      Address: (100) No. 118, Section 1, Zhongxiao West Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City Transportation: MRT Beimen Station (Exit 2); MRT Taipei Main Station (Z10 Exit of the Underground Mall in front of the station 地址: (100)臺北市中正區忠孝西路一段118號 交通方式:捷運北門站(2號出口);捷運臺北車站(站前地下街Z10出口)
      Speaker: Wen-Chen Chang (Academia Sinica)
    • 9
      Closing and discussion for the next TQCD Lecture theatre 2 (第二演講廳)

      Lecture theatre 2 (第二演講廳)

      Beimen campus of NYCU (陽明交通大學 北門校區)

      Address: (100) No. 118, Section 1, Zhongxiao West Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City Transportation: MRT Beimen Station (Exit 2); MRT Taipei Main Station (Z10 Exit of the Underground Mall in front of the station 地址: (100)臺北市中正區忠孝西路一段118號 交通方式:捷運北門站(2號出口);捷運臺北車站(站前地下街Z10出口)
      Speaker: David Lin (NYCU)