December 5-6,2024
Auditorium,6 Floor, Astro-Math. Building (NTU Campus)
Proving the confinement phenomenon in Yang-Mills theory is a fundamental problem and is in particular one of the seven Millennium Prize Problems in mathematics. Lattice field theories constitute the only widely accepted, ab initio approach to solving this problem. However, the steep computational cost has been a bottleneck in achieving the desired accuracy. The recent rapid advances in machine learning can potentially lead to transformative new tools in lattice field theories computations. The small workshop aims to bring together international interested experts in lattice field theories and machine learning to expedite progress in the AI-for-lattice effort.
Gert Aarts (Swansea University)
Mathis Gerdes (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Gurtej Kanwar (The University of Edinburgh)
Yuki Nagai (Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo)
Kim Nicoli (University of Bonn)
Fernando Romero-López (Bern University)*
Akio Tomiya (Tokyo Woman's Christian University)
Yi-Zhuang You (University of California, San Diego)
Miranda Cheng (Academia Sinica)
C.-J. David Lin (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University)
Ying-Jer Kao (National Taiwan University)
For administrative supports, please contact:
Ariel Wang (Ms.)
Phone Number: (+886)-2-23685999#341