The PG2023 collaboration meeting will be held on June 01-02 at the Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica. The agenda will include two days of internal meetings among the Collaboration (June 01-02). Academic or touristic excursion will be organized on May 31.
A special event will be a Joint Colloquium with the Institute of Physics:
Speaker : Dr. Keh-Chung Wang
Affiliation : Chief Scientist & Emerging Technology Officer, Macronix International
Venue : 1F Lecture Hall, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica
Time/Date : 4:00 PM; June 1, 2023
Title : From Neutrino to Semiconductor - A journey of Learning and Research that Started from Physics
Abstract : In this talk, the presenter will share his fulfilling journey of learning and research from neutrino physics to semiconductor devices. He participated in an experiment on neutrino-electron elastic scattering, and discussed initial concepts of detecting solar neutrinos with heavy water D2O. He will describe the experiment and the concepts. In addition, the presentation will cover GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) technology and high-speed HBT ICs, as well as semiconductor memories. Finally, he will present some recent work on memory-centric computing based on non-volatile flash memories and potential applications for processing big data with artificial intelligence.
About the Speaker