The PG2023 summer school will take place on May 24 to May 31, 2023, at the Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica. The eight - day agenda would include academic instructions in the format of lectures and demonstrations and exercises as well as touristic or academic excursions.
The PG2023 Summer School academic program will be on May 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30. Touristic and Academic Excursions are organized on May 28 and May 31, respectively.
The program includes:
1.Lecture Series
Each topics will have 4-5 hours duration to allow the lecturers to develop in depth their subjects and to have broad interactions with participants. The target level would be for particle physics graduate Ph.D students in the early stage of their studies.
The lecturers and their subjects include :
1. Reyco Henning, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
-- Neutrino Physics
2. Nader Mirabolfathi, Texas A&M University
-- Dark Matter Physics and Detection
2. Colloquium-Style Lectures
Lectures at 50+10 min, featuring research topics of current interests, given by domestic research scientists. Colloquium speakers and their topics include:
1. Iris Abt, Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich
-- A Look into the Heart of the Proton
2. Kin-Wang Ng, Academia Sinica
-- Cosmology for Particle Physicists
3. Yuan-Hann Chang, Academia Sinica
-- Silicon Detectors in High - Energy Physics
-- Direct Measurements of Cosmic - Rays
4. Chih-Hsun Lin, Academia Sinica
-- Particle Detectors for Medical Applications
5. Anatoli Fedynitch, Academia Sinica
-- High Energy Neutrino Astrophysics and Observatories
6. Yuki Inoue, National Central University & Academia Sinica
-- Gravitational Wave Observatories and Astronomy
7. Jennifer Hsu, National Tsing Hua University
-- Artificial Intelligence - Tools and Applications in Particle Physics
3. Seminar-Style Lectures on Germanium Detector Technologies and Applications
Lectures at 30-60 min, on selected topics related to germanium detectors technologies and applications, themes of the PIRE - GEMADARC Program. Speakers and their subjects include:
1. Dongming Mei, University of South Dakota
-- Basics of Germanium Detector : Physics Principles, Crystal Growth, Detector Fabrication
2. Ian Guinn, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
-- Double Beta Decay Experiments with Germanium
3. Hsiang-Kuang Chang, National Tsing-Hua University
-- Compton Imaging with Germanium Cross-strip Detectors in Astronomical Observations
4. Iris Abt, Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich
-- Cosmic-Ray Induced Background in Germanium Detectors
-- Surface Effects in Germanium Detectors
5. Felix Hagemann, Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich
-- Compton Imaging with Pixelized Detectors, and Applications
6. Brennan Hackett, Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich
-- PEN Scintillators and Applications in Low Background Experiments
7. Pin-Jung Chiu, University of Zurich
-- Calibration in Large Germanium Detector Systems
4. Tutorial Sessions with Hands - On Software Projects
To be organized by :
1. Jing Liu, University of South Dakota
2. Felix Hagemann, Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich
Refer to Special Page for more information and instructions.
5. Tours and Excursions
Excursions with touristic and academic themes will be arranged as part of the PG2023 official programs.
An optional and unofficial (personal) tour is foreseen June 3 - June 5 to visit the Taroko Gorge National Park. Priority is given to international guests and family.
Refer to Special Page for more details.