Several tours and excursion will be arranged as part of the PG2023 official program (that is, covered through registration fee)
Thurs. May 25: Half-Day City Tour
- Guided tour at the National Palace Museum
National Palace Museum Taipei 101
- Evening drop off at Taipei 101, where guests can roam around the vibrant area, explore the diverse food options and/or take the elevator up to the Observatory (expenses not included)
Sat. May 27: Guided tour to Museum of the Institute of History and Philology on campus.
- Enjoy the exquisite collection of ancient Chinese artifacts, including the Ruins of Yin (14th -11th century BC) bronze items and oracle bones.
Museum IHP Bronze Cauldron (Ting) Oracle Bone
Sun. May 28: Full-Day Excursion in the Vicinity of Taipei City.
We will visit and have a feel of the various facets of Taipei:
- Chinese: Confucius Temple and Bao-An Temple
- Japanese: Beitou Thermal Valley and Hot Spring
- Spanish: Fort San Domingo
- Natural: Northern Coast and Yeh-Liu Geo-park
Bao-An Temple Beitou Thermal Valley
Fort San Domingo Yeh-Liu Geo-park
Mon. May 29: Guided tour to the Academia Sinica GRID Computing Center at the Institute of Physics.
Wed. May 31: Full Day Academic Excursion
- National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC) - Flagship Big-Science Facility in Taiwan
- Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) - World famous and important semiconductor contract manufacturing and design company
Post-PG2023 Organized Tour
- An optional and unofficial tour is foreseen June 3- June 5 to visit the Taroko Gorge National Park. This is a personal event and the expenses are NOT covered by the registration fee of PG 2023. Priority given to international guests and family.