Registration will include school/meeting expenses, lunches, reception and banquet, as well as all-inclusive excursion expenses. The registration fees are:
* Summer School Only (May 24-May 31) -- 250 USD
* Collaboration Meeting Only (May 31-June 2) -- 150 USD
* BOTH School and Meeting (May 24-June 2) -- 350 USD
The local organizers will contact participants or their group representatives to arrange customized payment methods prior to the events.
The local organizers will attend accommodation reservation for the participations making selections among the listed options at registration. Payment would be settled between the participants and the hotels directly during their duration of stay.
There is a no-fee option for domestic participants who would not require excursions and would arrange their own meals. Snack break would be complimentary. Interested persons are encouraged to register at the special link to facility our organizaion.