Summer School and Collaboration Meeting are organized every year since 2018 by the collaborating partners of the PIRE-GEMADARC Program. Events in 2018 were at Xichang and Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, while those of 2019 were at Max-Planck Institute, Munich, Germany, due to COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021 events were organized in online mode, and in 2022 the events were at Queen's University, Kingston, Canada. "PG2023" events will take place in Taiwan, hosted by the TEXONO Group based at the Academia Sinica.
There will be three different events, following the diversity of the PIRE missions and goals :
1. The PG2023 Summer School, open to the international academic community, will be held at the Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan from May 24 (9:00AM) to May 31 (6:00PM), 2023. Arrivals are expected on May 23, 2023.
2. The PG2023, Collaboration Meeting, an internal event, will be held at the Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan from June 1 (9:00AM) to June 2 (6:00PM), 2023.
3. A post-PG2023 organized excursion (optional) is offered all all participants, from June 3 (8:00AM) to June 5 (9:00PM)
4. Posting of physics majors students to participate in selected research subjects with the particle physics group of the Institute of Physics, through the summer months till July 14, 2023, with extension possible till end of August.
Academia Sinica: The most preeminent academic institution of the Republic of China (Taiwan), was founded in China in 1928 to promote and undertake scholarly research in the sciences and humanities. After the ROC government moved to Taiwan in 1949, Academia Sinica was re-established in Taipei. Academia Sinica has adopted various measures to promote the internal integration of research activities. As an educational institute, it provides PhD training and scholarship through its English-language Taiwan International Graduate Program in physics, biology, agriculture, chemistry, informatics, and earth and environmental sciences.
Find more info at:
GEMADARC: Germanium Materials and Detectors Advancement Research Consortium.
A global partnership funded by NSF PIRE to advance germanium technologies for the search of dark matter, neutrinoless double-beta decay and other rare physics processes with world-class education, training platforms and opportunities.
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